A. One of the following:
Psyc 204 Quantitative Methods in Psychology
Soc 204 Methods of Quantitative Analysis
Educ 236 Quantitative Research Methods
Ling 280 Proseminar in Experimental Linguistics
B. Two of the following:
Stat 202 Linear Models Using SAS
Stat 204 Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis
Psyc 205 Categorical Data Analysis
Psyc 214A Multivariate Techniques for Psychology
Psyc 214B Advanced Multivariate Techniques for Psychology
Econ 216 Applied Econometrics I (or Econ 211A Advanced Econometrics)
Econ 217 Applied Econometrics II (or Econ 211B Advanced Econometrics)
EEB 286 Experimental Design and Data Analysis
Educ 255 Intermediate Quantitative Methods
C. Three of the following:
Psyc 202R Introduction to R
Psyc 202M Introduction to Matlab
Psyc 210 The Experimental Method in Social Psychology
Psyc 225AB Introduction to Developmental Research
Psyc 248 Survey Research
Psyc 255 Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology
Psyc 261 Participatory Action Research
Stat 266A Data Visualization and Statistical Programming in R
Stat 266C Introduction to Data Wrangling
Educ 237 Qualitative Research Methods
Educ 256 Intermediate Qualitative Analysis
Educ 266 Program Evaluation and Action Research in Educational Reform
Soc 205 Field Research Methods
(or Psyc 249 Field Methods and Social Ethnography)
Poli 202 Fundamentals of Political Research
Ling 245 Computational Methods of Discourse and Dialog
(same as Psyc 245/CMPS 245)
D. One Independent Study course.
The student will research a specialized topic in quantitative social science methods and write a tutorial paper on the topic.
— or —
Complete two additional courses from Sections A, B, or C.
Note: The “Secondary Concentration” in Quantitative Social Science is not a formal credential and will not appear on the student’s transcript or diploma. This Secondary Concentration in Quantitative Social Science may be listed on the student’s curriculum vitae.
A. One of the following:
Psyc 204 Quantitative Methods in Psychology
Soc 204 Methods of Quantitative Analysis
Educ 236 Quantitative Research Methods
Poli 202 Fundamentals of Political Research
B. Three of the following:
Psyc 205 Categorical Data Analysis
Psyc 248 Survey Research
Psyc 255 Qualitative Inquiry in Psychology
Psyc 261 Participatory Action Research
Educ 237 Qualitative Research Methods
Educ 255 Intermediate Quantitative Methods
Educ 256 Intermediate Qualitative Analysis
Educ 266 Program Evaluation and Action Research in Educational Reform
Soc 205 Field Research Methods
(or Psyc 249 Field Methods and Social Ethnography)
C. One Independent Study course.
The student will research a specific topic in program evaluation and write a tutorial paper on the topic. Alternatively, the student could work with a faculty member to conduct an actual program evaluation (on-campus program evaluation opportunities are available) and prepare a written report of the program evaluation.
Note: The “Secondary Concentration” in Program Evaluation is not a formal credential and will not appear on a student’s transcript or diploma. This Secondary Concentration in Program Evaluation may be listed on the student’s curriculum vitae.
[Offered through the Department of Statistics]
A. Both of the following:
Stat 203 Introduction to Probability Theory
Stat 207 Intermediate Bayesian Statistical Models
B. One of the following:
Stat 206 Applied Bayesian Statistics
Stat 206B Intermediate Bayesian Inference
C. One of the following:
Stat 204 Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis
Stat 205* Introduction to Classical Statistical Learning
Stat 205B* Intermediate Classical Inference
Stat 208 Linear Statistical Models
Stat 209 Generalized Linear Models
Stat 222 Bayesian Nonparametric Methods
Stat 223 Time Series Analysis
Stat 225 Multivariate Statistical Methods
Stat 222 Bayesian Nonparametric Methods
Stat 226 Spatial Statistics
Stat 227 Advanced Bayesian Computation
Stat 243 Stochastic Processes
Stat 244 Bayesian Decision Theory
Stat 246 Probability Theory with Markov Chains
Stat 291 Advanced Topics in Bayesian Statistics
*Either Stat 205 or Stat 205B
[Offered through the Department of Statistics]
A. All of the following:
Stat 204 Statistical Data Analysis
Stat 266A Data Visualization and Statistical Programming in R
Stat 266C Introduction to Data Wrangling
Stat 280 Seminar in Statistics and Data Science
CSE 242 Machine Learning
B. One additional course from an approved list of electives
C. The student will include one of the Data Science program faculty members who is not a member of the student’s home department on the student’s qualifying exam and dissertation committees.
Note: The “Designated Emphasis” is a formal credential and records will be kept of it on the student’s transcript in the Registrar’s office and on the student’s diploma.